What might be nice is to have an application that can snap individual pictures and automatically upload them to a remote site. 拥有一个可以抓拍单张图片并且自动将其上载到远程站点的应用程序可能会更好。
Now you can add a new remote site to search for software updates 现在可以添加一个新的远程站点,用于搜索软件更新
Pass control ( manually) to remote site. 将控制权(手动)转移到远程站点。
You could export a volume group, use SAN replication to copy the data to a server on a remote site, and then import the volume group. 您可以导出卷组,使用SAN复制数据到远程网站的服务器上,然后导入卷组。
The remote site gets the feed data and returns it in the form of JavaScript code. 远端站点获得提要数据并将其以JavaScript代码的形式返回。
I first converted the video files and used an FTP program to upload them to my remote site, then download them to a video player on my computer. 我先是转换了这些视频文件并使用一个FTP程序将它们上载到我的远端站点,然后将它们下载到我计算机上的视频播放器。
The matrix on the remote site is exactly the same, but none of the applications are in running state. 远程站点上的规则完全相同,但是没有应用程序处于运行状态。
However, the intent is to simulate a situation where a remote site is enabled for F2PC because some transactions within an application require it, whereas others do not. 但是,这样做的目的是模拟这样一种情况:由于一个应用程序中的某些事务需要F2PC,而其他事务不需要,因而为一个远程站点启用F2PC。
Peer-to-peer remote copy ( PPRC) is a protocol to mirror a disk from one storage system to another disk in a remote site. 点对点远程复制(Peer-to-peerremotecopy,PPRC)是将磁盘从一个存储系统镜像到远程站点中的另一个磁盘的协议。
Click New remote site and in the resulting dialog, give the site a name like Project Zero. 单击Newremotesite,在出现的对话框中给出站点名称,例如ProjectZero。
Furnish the remote site with a similar set of four machines. 为远程站点提供类似的4台机器。
If the entire primary site that is running a DB2 pureScale instance fails, the remote site can be leveraged to enable business operations to continue. 如果运行DB2pureScale实例的整个主站点发生故障,那么就可以利用远端站点来使业务操作继续下去。
As a local integration hub on a remote site to enable on-site applications to communicate easily in a loosely coupled fashion without interapplication dependencies on proprietary device interfaces. 作为远端站点上的本地集成中心,使现场应用程序能够轻松地以一种松散耦合的形式进行通信,不需要在应用程序间具备专有的设备接口。
Designate network disk in remote site as Master. 指定远程站点中的网络磁盘作为主磁盘。
However, for this team, one site develops the Rational Functional Tester scripts, and a remote site is responsible for running tests. 然而,对于这支团队来说,一个站点开发RationalFunctionalTester脚本,另一个远程站点负责运行测试。
Now in this third and final installment, you see how to add automatic uploading of those JPEGs to a remote site. 现在,在第3期也是最后一期文章中,您将会看到如何将这些JPEG文件自动上传到远程站点。
By updating these objects to reflect the central site, you ensure that these objects are not lost when you remove the remote site. 通过更新这些对象来反映中心站点,可以确保删除远程站点时不会丢失这些对象。
The Certificate on this web site is copied to a remote site. 此网站的证书被复制到远程站点。
The United Nations nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, says it's very likely that a remote site in Syria that was bombed by Israel four years ago housed a nuclear reactor. 联合国核监督机构,国际原子能机构称,四年前被以色列轰炸的叙利亚一个偏远地点极有可能是一座核反应堆所在地。
Busy signal detected at remote site on callback. 在远程站点回拨时检测到了占线信号。
Data updated at a remote site is not updated at any other sites; therefore conflicts typically do not occur. 在某个远程站点更新的数据不会在其他任何站点更新,因此通常不会发生冲突。
The user account must match the name of the VPN site-to-site connection created on the remote site. 此用户帐户必须与在远程站点上创建vpn站点-至-站点连接的名称匹配。
Support dialing-in users to access networks from remote site. 支持拨号用户进入网络从远程站点。
For information about how you can use remote site replication in conjunction with windows clustering, see "geographically dispersed clustering" in planning considerations for clustering. 有关如何将远程站点复制与windows群集协同使用的信息,请参阅规划群集时的考虑因素中的“地理位置分散的群集”。
If your application does not require conflict resolution or filters that provide each remote site with a unique set of data, consider using transactional replication. 如果您的应用程序不要求能够为每个远程站点提供唯一数据集的冲突解决方法或筛选器,则可以考虑使用事务复制。
Voice detected at remote site on callback. 在回叫时远程站点上检测到了声音。
Its wireless technology allows users to build an identification system for an event or on a remote site where cable installation is difficult. 它的无线技术使用户能够在一项活动中或电缆安装困难的远程站点上建立一个识别系统。
Properties send information in the construction message that their counterparts at the remote site could look for during activation. 属性在构造消息中发送信息,其在远程站点的对应属性可在激活期间查找这些信息。
The name of the user account must be identical to the name of the remote site network, and its dial-in properties must be set to allow remote access. 用户帐户名称必须与在远程网络上的名称一致,并且它的拨入属性必须设置为允许远程访问。
This data is typically intended to be read-only data at the remote site, such as a set of product inventory tables that are only updated at a central site. 这些数据在远程站点上通常为只读数据,如只能在中心站点进行更新的一组产品库存表。